Most people book a vacation thinking that it will be a relaxing getaway. This isn't always the case - you can end up paying incredibly overpriced medical bills or lose a significant amount of money if you lose your wallet.
1. Travel Insurance
Insurance makes sure that if you do encounter an unexpected circumstance you will be reimbursed. If you don't have travel insurance, your trip might even be canceled. Insurance can even be useful if you don't end up traveling due to illness. Instead of losing a lot of money you will get a full refund for your tickets.
2. Traveling Abroad
9 times out of 10, any and all insurance that you currently have is not going to be applicable when you travel internationally. You won't be covered on your medical expenses, in an emergency, or other dangerous situations. With the proper travel insurance, you can rest assured that you will get the treatment you need if you get into things as small as a car accident or as large as a natural disaster when traveling abroad.
3. Terrorism
Terrorism isn't limited to the US, it occurs around the globe. If a terrorist act suddenly breaks out in an area that you have booked a flight to, the airline is not required to provide you with a refund if you choose not to travel to the area because of terrorism - that is, unless you have travel insurance. These events are completely random and can't be predicted, so it's better to have insurance and be safe than sorry. Even if you don't get hurt at a local cafe by someone blowing themselves to pieces, your flight can be canceled at any time and it would be very good if you could get your money back.
4. Lost Luggage
One of the most common problems when traveling is lost luggage. You might pile thousands of dollars of goods onto a flight, especially if you are moving to a new country. Travel insurance will surely be a good investment. Travel insurance acts to insure whatever items are lost or stolen so you are able to replace your belongings.
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