Monday, February 5, 2018

What is NEO?

Neo is known for creating Smart Contracts and providing Coin as a Digital Asset. Neo has a Total Supply of 100,000,000 NEO, and a user can have at least one Neo Coin, so if any Exchange, Binance example, buys 1.8 NEO, now those 1.8 NEO will send it to the next wallet, then 1 NEO has got the transfer

and those 0.8 NEO will lose.
Neo is known for creating Smart Contracts and providing Coin as a Digital Asset.
Neo has a Total Supply of 100,000,000 NEO, and a user can have at least one Neo Coin, so if any Exchange, Binance example, buys 1.8 NEO, now those 1.8 NEO will send it to the next wallet, then 1 NEO has got the transfer and those 0.8 NEO will lose.
NEO is otherwise known as Chinese Ethereum.

The supporters
  • Neo is strongly relied Chinese Government, which has also influenced the popularity of NEO's in China.
  • Ethereum is not supported by any  Institution but by Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.

Proof of Stake

NEO uses the Proof of Stake (POS) model, where users are rewarded for holding NEOs in their wallet.
To be able to benefit, users must make Download Neo's wallet, and as far as I know, Neo does not need to keep the wallet open all the time as other Coins do who use POS

  • Ethereum uses the POW (Proof of Work)

Neo as integer
  • As I mentioned earlier NEO can be used only as the integer, as 1Neo, 2Neo, 1000 Neo etc.
  • Ethereum can be used/sent as 0.1 Ethereum, 1.8Ethereum etc ..

Also read - Binance  The World's Largest Exchanges For Cryptocurrency

Smart Contracts
  • They can be written in C # and Java  ;
  • Unlike Ethereum that developers need to learn Solidity (that is a programming language that only uses ethereum as a platform) . 

  • NEO can handle up to 10K Transactions per Second ;
  • Whereas ethereum 15 Transactions per Second.

The system
  • Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (DBFT) algorithm ;
  • Neox ;
  • NEO Contract ;
  • NeoFS ;
  • NeoQ.

  • Once POS NEO is she rewards her with NeoGas-user or with a% from 5.5% in years.
  • Profit can be calculated here:
Also read - What Is Stratis?

ICO platform and NEO's
  • At the moment NEO uses 7 Coins / Tokens where 4 of them are in the top 100, and there are many new ICOs that intend to use NEO'S technology
Where to buy NEO :

Where can we keep the NEO coin
  • You can save them directly to the exchange where you buy but I suggest.
Desktop Wallet - NEON Wallet you can download here:
Hardware Wallet - Ledger Nano S
Online Wallet - Neo tracker

For every critical comment or suggestion, but I believe that soon will exceed $ 500, "only personal opinion"